The Wiggly Tooth

Laugh and Learn with Mrs. Thomas and her Kindergarten Class

Butterfly Wings

butterfly book

butterfly wings







The final butterfly emerged from its chrysalis, so it was time to release them. While reading A Butterfly is Patient by Dianna Aston, students learned about the delicate scales on their wings. Students watched as the butterflies took flight being careful to observe only.

Butterfly In The Wild

Butterfly In The Wild

Marlee, Avery, Katie, Nolan & Austin Watching Butterflies

Marlee, Avery, Katie, Nolan & Austin Watching

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Gorgeous Gardens

Every year Kindergartens plant bulbs. Students take pride in our school grounds because they have been part of the gardening. Each student picked a spot, dug down and dropped in a handful of bulbs. What we planted is a mystery, for real! The bulbs came from my garden but have never flowered because the deer eat them. I wonder what will grow…

Katie & Kori Gardening

Katie & Kori Gardening

Nolan & Melody Gardening

Nolan & Melody Gardening

Students started a new project called Group Gardens. They are creating a group drawing of a thriving garden.  The project promotes children working together using what they have learned about plants and animals in the garden. Students will present, explain and answer questions about their garden.

Sullivan, Avery, Carson, Katie & Marco Visualizing Their Garden

Sullivan, Avery, Carson, Katie & Marco Visualizing

Kori, Jack, Kolbe & Kylie Creating

Kori, Jack, Kolbe & Kylie Creating

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Five Painted Ladies

One Painted Lady

One Painted Lady


Our first few Painted Lady Butterflies emerged from their chrysalis. Students watched the butterflies feeding and flying. We will set the butterflies free at the end of the week, once all the butterflies have emerged.

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Cheesy Experiment

The Boys

The Boys

The Girls

The Girls


Melody, Kolbe & Sullivan Pollinating

Melody, Kolbe & Sullivan Pollinating







Students conducted an experiment to understand how butterflies pollinate plants. They fluttered from flower to flower, while doing this ‘pollen’ (Cheetos) was transferred between flowers. Students are learning about  the relationship between our butterflies and our bean plants.

Flower Pollen

Flower Pollen

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Butterflies & Blooms

Madelyn, Marco, Ava & Marlee

Madelyn, Marco, Ava & Marlee

Butterfly Garden

Pollinating Butterflies

With more flowers blooming, there are butterflies fluttering all around. To compliment our flower art, we created butterflies with Mrs. Bouma’s class. Students coloured huge coffee filters with washable markers then sprayed with water to blend the colours. Once dry, they finished the project using a pipecleaner as the body and antennae. Now, the butterflies can help pollinate our hallway garden!

Reese, Kylie & Mateo

Reese, Kylie & Mateo

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