The Wiggly Tooth

Laugh and Learn with Mrs. Thomas and her Kindergarten Class

Water Day

Water Day! Fun! Students enjoyed a variety of activities involving water. 

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Sara’s Sunflowers

Harvey shared the story Sara’s Sunflower by Rena Henry. The story is an original Cowichan story about sharing. All the animals are affected by Bluejay’s decision not to share. When Grandma Tree does not let Bluejay land on her branches, he must think about his actions and change his ways. In the story, there is a butterfly. Students learned about the four shapes (circle, oval, trigon, crescent) in Coast Salish Art before creating their own Coast Salish butterfly. Once students were happy with their art, the butterflies pollinated the plants in our classroom.

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Butterfly Release

Our Painted Lady Butterflies have emerged from their chrysalis and become butterflies. We released them into our garden so they could help our plants grow by pollinating them. Students observed three of the four stages of a life cycle of a butterfly in our class. Along the way, students collect scientific data by making observations and recording their observations. 

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Fun And Games


Students made up their own games while playing outside. They hung on the web like a caterpillar in a chrysalis, would wiggle free and fly free like a butterfly. Amazing learning!

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Beach Day

It certainly felt like summer on our beach day. The sun was shining bright while students enjoyed exploring at the beach. Some found crabs, clams, oysters, barnacles, starfish, jellyfish, moon snails, limpets, driftwood and seaweed.

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