The Wiggly Tooth

Laugh and Learn with Mrs. Thomas and her Kindergarten Class

Upstairs Exploration

While the intermediate classes are away for Track and Field, the Kindergartens explored the upstairs area. Many students have not been upstairs yet this year. They were amazed at how everything looked little downstairs. It was pretty exciting travelling along the same hallways as the older students. If a student had an older sibling, we tried to find their classroom.

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Final Farewell To Our Brentwood Buddies

Our Brentwood Buddies are amazing! They are a talented group of Grade 10 students who took on the challenge of writing a children’s book this semester. Our Kindergarten students were part of their research about what children this age are interested in, but it is so much more for both groups. Our students get to feel loved and valued by a caring older student, while our buddies have the opportunity to relax and enjoy being a kid again. For some students who are away from their family, this is important to be connected to another person away from their school setting. The books that the Brentwood Buddies produces are well-thought out, creative and interesting to read. Our students will appreciate these keepsakes for many years.

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Poultry In Motion

Students learned about chickens from Bev Whitta from the BC Chicken Growers Association. They observed laying hens, chicks and teenager chickens. We watched the birds waking up and stretching before having breakfast. Different sizes of chickens eat different sized food. The little chicks eat crumbs while the other birds eat pellets. Water is also adjusted to suit the bird height, as chickens can’t swallow. Water travels to the birds stomach called a gizzard via gravity.

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Releasing Salmon

Students released salmon at Kerry Park into the Shawnigan Creek after caring for them the last 4 months. We watched as the salmon started as eggs then emerged out of their egg as alvins then grew bigger into fry. We let approximately 100 fry go into the water. They naturally were gathering together and creating schools in the hidden waters.

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Brentwood Buddy Play

Students, both big and little, enjoyed playing. It is nice seeing the two groups of students engaging with one another by sharing ideas, reading, building and creating art in many forms.

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