The Wiggly Tooth

Laugh and Learn with Mrs. Thomas and her Kindergarten Class

Farewell Kindergarteners

Students completed their last day of school, so it is farewell to Kindergarten for them. Next year they will return to Bonner as Grade 1’s. I look forward to seeing my students in the hallways, around the school and outside at the playground. Thank you to my students and parents for a wonderful year.

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Summer Gardens

This morning we worked in the garden getting it ready for the fall. Weeds were pulled, soil turned and plants watered. It’ll be interesting to see what happens over the summer in the gardens.

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Wet Felting

Students wet felted sheep wool together by laying pieces of wool inside a container lid before adding warm soapy water on top. To tangle the hairs together, students moved the lid in a circular motion. Sheep’s hair has tiny barbs on it that knot together nicely.

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Bouncy Castle

Students enjoyed hanging out and bouncing around on our last Fresh Air Friday of the year.

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Mr. Low’s Bees

After studying bees, students walked across to Mr.Low’s bee farm. They got a hands-on look at a hive, the queen bee and the other workers. Each bee has an important role to play so that the hive is successful.

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